15 May, 2007


Population: 500.000 inhabitants approximately
The Capital: Al Aiun
Lenguages: Arab(Arabic
Religions: Islam
Index of Literacy: 82 %

Desert of the Sahara is the biggest desert in the world, with approximately an area of 9.065.000 km . It is in the north of Africa.

Its name derives from the Arabic: sahara صحراء translation of the word tuareg from (desert) Tenere.

Only there is vegetation a few meters near the course of the small rivers. There are many palms of dates.
All the oases (approximately 5 millions) are canalized, to guarantee the water in all the sowing zones. Often, the water does not come from rivers, but from underground running, extracted up with wells.

The Sahara desert has one of the harshest climates in the world. It has many strong winds that blow from the north-east. Sometimes on the border zones of the north and south, the desert will receive about 25 cm. of rain a year. The rainfall happens very rarely, but when it does it is usually torrential when it occurs after long dry periods, which can last for years. Daytime temperatures can be 58 °C, but freezing temperatures aren't uncommon at night, reaching as low as −6 °C

credits: wikipedia
retrieved at: 5/15/07

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